Rosé Spritz

Summer Rose Spritz

Do you really need a recipe for this? Probably not. But we love to share what we love to drink.

Is it even a cocktail? Also no. It’s a lifestyle.

It’s a perfect Saturday or Sunday afternoon beverage after tending your garden or just lazing on your patio. So open a bottle! But keep it close; you’re going to want a refill. You deserve it.

Rosé Spritz
makes 1 drink

shopping list —

  • rosé wine

  • sparkling water

  • ice

equipment —

  • wine glass

steps —

  1. Fill the wine glass halfway up with ice.

  2. Pour about 4 oz of rosé over the ice and top with 2 oz of sparkling water — or however much you prefer:)

  • Ercole Piedmonte D.O.C. Rosato

    “It’s my favorite drinkable rosé (which is great because it comes in a liter!)”

  • Vichy Catalan

    “Vichy Catalan is an excellent sparkling water for cocktails because it has fat, soft, and velvety bubbles. It’s also a little bit salty which rounds out the flavor of the cocktail or spritz.”


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